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Try the Kodak Portrait

The KODAK Portrait 3D Printer is a reliable manufacturing system, capable of producing end-use parts in a wide variety of materials.

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How It Works

Pick Your Dates

We'll send you a Kodak Portrait 3D Printer for you to try for 30 days. Let us know where and when.

No Obligations

Try the Kodak Portrait 3D Printer risk-free. At the end of the demo period you can decide to purchase or return the printer to us.

Purchase At Any Time

You don’t have to wait till the end of the trail to purchase the 3D printer you can do so at any time.

Built for productivity

The KODAK Portrait 3D Printer is a reliable manufacturing system, capable of producing end-use parts in a wide variety of materials. Its solid steel structure, quality components and careful design result in a high uptime with low maintenance costs.

Find out what the KODAK Portrait can do for your business

Explore all the features of the KODAK Portrait.